Welcome to the Knights of da Gama!

Our Order is a South African brotherhood of Catholic men whose aim is to encourage its members to contribute to the spread of the Kingdom of Christ on earth by becoming stronger Christians. With the support of our families, we are proactively engaged in an ongoing programme of spiritual, social and charitable works. 

Our Vision

To be a Catholic Brotherhood bringing Jesus to communities in Southern Africa.

Our Mission

We are a Catholic Brotherhood evangelising family and community through active Christian Service.

Our aims and beliefs

As part of the global International Alliance of Catholic Knights (IACK), we believe that the privilege of Knighthood confers upon a Catholic man extra responsibility in the Apostolate of Christ's Church. Along with brother Knights across the world, we are committed to work and pray together to achieve the following aims:
  • To bring the message of Christ to all people;
  • To loyally support in every way possible our Holy Father Pope Francis and all Bishops, Priests and Religious throughout the world;
  • To cooperate with Pontifical Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life and other Catholic international organisations to advance the Christian way of life;
  • To use our individual and joint influence to eliminate injustice from society;
  • To grow and strengthen our Orders and establish new Orders of Catholic Knights around the world;
  • To help deepen the faith of our brothers and of all Catholics by encouraging active and generous participation in the Life and Mission of the Church.
We work actively alongside other lay groupings and sodalities in the Church, often engaging in similar Catholic and Christian initiatives, however our use of heraldic ritual and symbolism that is based on the medieval orders of chivalry makes us a little different. We pledge to follow a code of honour that governs our behaviour and encourages us to seek personal sanctification so we might act as examples of Christian living, to defend and promote our faith, and to support those in need while demonstrating loyalty to God, to our families, to our country, and to our Order.

The Catholic Order of the Knights of da Gama is a member of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights

"I thought it was necessary … to express my gratitude for all the work you are doing for the Church, to thank you for your prayers, for your loyalty to the Bishops and for following the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ … especially for your fidelity to the Church. I would like you to know of the great confidence which is placed in you and all Knights throughout the world. May God bless you and all your families."

Pope John Paul II, receiving the International Alliance of Catholic Knights in private audience.

Prayer for the Catholic Order of the Knights of Da Gama

Let us come near to God with a sincere heart and a sure faith, with hearts that have been purified from a guilty conscience and with bodies washed with clean water.

Let us hold on firmly to the hope we profess, because we can trust God to keep His promise.

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good.

Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more, since you see that the day of the Lord is coming nearer.


Hebrews 10:22-25 (TEV)

February  2025

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© 2016 KDG
The Catholic Order of the Knights of da Gama is registered in South Africa as a non-profit organisation (registration number 000-890 NPO), in terms of the South African Non Profit Organisations Act No. 71 of 1997.

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